Art Deco Chalkware Dancer Lady Figurine 12.75 Hollywood Regency


Brand Etsy

This chalkware figurine features fabulous form! It is made in the form of a woman, her leg provocatively exposed by the slit in her skirt, and holding an eye mask in her hand against her upper forehead. I assume that she is some sort of dancer. The figure measures 12 3/4 in height. It does have some condition problems - two cracks to her left arm and some surface flakes to the same arm and to the upper back. Ive shown all of the damage in the last three close-up photos. Also, it appears to have been overpainted - note the reddish colour (aside from the applied felt) on the photo of the underside, which might be the original colour. Still, the colour looks good and works for a figure of this Art Deco - Hollywood Regency era (1930s-40s), kind of a greyish white, maybe with a hint of green. The nice thing about defects in monochrome chalk ware is that it is pretty easy to repair. The only identifying mark is the number 1503 on the back of the base. Despite the small problems, this is a wonderful figure - great for an art deco decor!